1. Never buy a crystal and expect it to fail. Skepticism will lower the frequency of your crystal and will naturally make it more difficult for it to produce the desired results.

  2. Detach from the desired outcome for the best results. It may be counterintuitive, but desperation for a specific result will undoubtedly introduce a negative energy that will work against you and you may be disappointed if the exact result you held does not happen, even if the result is positively related to your desire.

  3. Spend time with your crystal to enhance its energy. Take your crystals with you to do everyday and special activities to expose them not only to your positive energy, but the positive energy of those around you. Allow them to be with you at work, home, outings, special events, traveling, etc.

  4. Don’t let losing a crystal get you down. It is more than okay if you lose a crystal, be grateful for the time it spent helping you and releasing it with happiness will bring good energy back to you.

  5. Don’t envy the good fortune of those around you. When they align with what you desire, even for others, it is a sign you are next in line.

  6. Crystals never turn off. Crystals will absorb and emulate frequencies around them no matter what, at all times. Make sure they absorb the right energy to give back the right energy.

  7. Talk to your Crystals. Talking to your crystal and speaking intention into your crystal out loud will enhance its energy and properties.

  8. Protect your crystals so they can protect you back. I don’t recommend regularly taking your crystals to negative places or events, unless you need it for protection. If you must, I highly recommend thoroughly cleansing your crystal afterward!

  9. Pass it on. Gifting or passing on your crystal after it gave you good luck and joy is a great thing to do. Everyone in the world should own a citrine! Especially a gifted citrine.

  10. There are no guarantees. Just because you own a crystal does not mean life won’t send you challenges or hardship. However, I truly believe that owning an effective crystal helps reduce the difficulties of those challenges and helps to moderate those hardships.

  11. Change it up. Crystals get sad and dull being in the same place, MOVE THEM!

  12. Collect joy. Starting a citrine, skull or any type of crystal collection is a thing of joy! Trust me!

  13. Everything in moderation, even crystals. Don’t over indulge in crystal purchases or spend beyond your means. You can enjoy, connect, and love the ones you have over and over again. Purchasing crystals beyond your means could result in financial or other types of stress which may have a negative impact on the crystals you do have.

  14. Be patient, it takes time to do it right. It takes about 21 days for a crystal to fully intertwine with your energy. The more open you are, the faster this will be and the more closed off you are, the longer it will take.

  15. Be grateful and express it out loud. The best thing you can do for your crystal is to let them and yourself know you are thankful for them!

  16. Your crystal is NOT a god. DO NOT worship your crystal, but see them as amazing tools from the universe to enhance your life for the better.

  17. Make your own truth about crystals. Stay authentic to yourself and don’t follow the crowd, even me!

With so many different factors and levels to each crystal, customer, desire, etc. We can never promise specific results from a crystal purchase.

Listen to yourself. You know yourself the best, what you want, your strengths, your weaknesses, and your abilities. I am not a guru, YOU ARE YOUR OWN MASTER.
