Heat Treated vs Genuine Citrine

My take on this controversial topic is that first of all I absolutely love both Heat Treated Amethyst Citrine and Genuine Citrine.

Heat Treated Amethyst, a human altered natural crystal, may not excite you compared to a genuine unaltered natural crystal, but I feel we tend to forget that we, as humans, are the most powerful and creative beings on Earth. We are capable of the most amazing and extraordinary accomplishments.

Taking an Amethyst and putting it into an oven to produce Citrine is no different than taking a raw diamond and cutting that raw natural crystal into a beautiful shape to enhance its sparkle and value. Nearly all precious stones and crystals are cut to maximize their weight and beauty. Humans alter many natural materials on a daily basis to enhance a material’s usefulness or desirability.

Humans have the unique power of creation. Our opinion on Heat Treated Amethyst is that the technique accelerates the natural process of the earth and sun and results in a beautiful co-creation of Man and Earth. A primary purpose for humans is to master the realm of Earth and the fusion of Man and Earth is a wonderful manifestation of co-creation.

My crystal library includes both Heat Treated Amethyst and Genuine Citrine. Both crystals always come back having produced amazing results of manifesting money, good luck, and overall positive energy. Interestingly, I find that I have noticed my clients to initially be drawn to Heat Treated Amethyst over Genuine Citrine. For the record, the majority of my clients are male with masculine energy. Masculine energy and feminine energy are two VERY different energies. Masculine energy is logical minded and grounded in physical energy. Feminine energy is emotion based and innately spiritual. I believe those with masculine energy more easily harmonizes with the metaphysical properties of heat treated amethyst due to the fact that the crystal has undergone a manmade treatment which makes the crystal hold a frequency that is more similiar to masculine energy.

I believe the crystal community is mostly made up of woman. So to me it makes a lot of sense that the collective crystal community will be more drawn to genuine citrine which holds a frequency that is more similar to feminine energy. Hence, producing an inherent bias in favor of genuine citrine and against heat treated Amethyst.

The properties of each also tend to coincide with each natural frequency. Heat Treated Amethyst tends to produce more physical results like getting a raise, finding money, and changing your overall mood. I personally had more confidence in lending out my heated treated amethyst crystals because I knew the effects were going to be more clearly identifiable. Genuine Citrine tends to work more on a subconscious and subtle level and will help produce changes like inner confidence and overall improvement of one’s energy.

It saddens me that the ongoing controversy of the two types of citrine divides our community. I believe every single person would benefit from owing a piece of citrine, whether heat treated or genuine. The lower price point of heat treated amethyst citrine makes it accessible to those that may not be able to or may not want to pay the higher price of genuine citrine. More of us owning citrine is a blessing to the collective and there is enough room to love and accept both and enjoy its abilities to manifest prosperity, good luck and abundance!

And we are very excited to offer both!
